JUMP TOAuth-ServiceIntrotokenRequest tokenpostIntrospect tokenpostcertificateRealm certgetEntitiesEntityRetrieving Entities.getCreating a new Entity.postRetrieving an identified Entity.getModify an identified Entity.putEntity deletion.deleteUpdating properties of an Entity.patchEntity ContactModify contact information of an identified Entity.putDelete contact information of an identified Entity.deleteEntity Aliasupdates reference information of an entity object.putEntity ChildrenRetrieving an identified Entity childrens.getEntity StatusRetrieving status of an identified Entity.getSet the status of an entity with entityId.putEntity UserUsers associated with an Entity.getNew user associated with an Entity.postReferenced user retrieval.getDeletion of a referenced user.deleteEntity User StatusReferenced user status retrieval.getUpdate user status .putEntity User CredentialsModification of user credentials.postResetting the user credentials.postEntity Metadata TypeGet all metadata type associated with an Entity.getNew metadata type associated with an Entity.postRetrieve the metadata type.getModify an identified Metadata.putMetadata deletion.deleteEntity ProfileData TypeGet all ProfileData type associated with an Entity.getNew ProfileData type associated with an Entity.postRetrieve the ProfileData type.getModify an identified ProfileData.putProfileData deletion.deleteWalletsWalletsCreating a wallet.postView Wallet InformationgetUpdate a WalletpatchView Wallet EntitygetView Wallet BalancegetCreates a list of alias for a wallet.putPayment methodsCreates a wallet for a payment method.postGet paymentsMethodsgetTransactionsView Wallet Specific TransactiongetPayment MethodsPayment method typesRetrieves payment method types and their attributes.getRetrieves a single payment method type and its attributes.getPayment methodsReturns the balance of a payment method.getDeletes a payment method.deleteCreates a list of alias for a payment method.putPayment methods linksCreates a link between a payment method and a wallet.postIt obtains wallet links for a specific payment method.getQuotationsQuotationsCreating a quotation.postGet a quotation.getTransactionsTransactionsCreating a transaction.postView a transactiongetUpdate a Transaction:patchCreating a reversalpostCreating an annulmentpostCreating a disputepostCreating a refundpostGet all enabled currenciesgetTransactions TypesGet all Transaction TypesgetGet all Transaction Subtypes for a given typegetAdd Transaction Subtypes for a given TypepostMetadatakeysGet all Transaction Metadata KeysgetAdd a Transaction Metadata KeyputDelete a Transaction Metadata KeydeleteHosted CheckoutIntroductionCheckout RequestUse the POST method to create a checkout page.postService ProvidersService ProvidersView Pay Bill configurationgetView Products configurationgetView Service Providers CompaniesgetBillsGets the bills using a payment reference for a specific billing company.getGets the bills using a payment reference for a specific billing company.getProductsObtains the products offfered by a Seller company.getObtains the products offfered by a Seller company.getIssuingCardsCreate a nominated cardpostreturns a list of cards matching with the filtering criteria.getRetrieve a card object identified by cardReferencegetPatch a card datapatchActivcate the card identified by cardReferenceputAssign Card PINputReset Card PINpostSet a new CVV to a cardputAssign a physical card identified by cardReferenceputDeactivate the card identified by cardReferenceputBlock a card (it is reversible)putUnblock a CardputSet profile to a cardputPrint a virtual card if the product is digitalFirstputEnable a printed digitalFirst card for POSputTenantProductGet all products of a tenantgetMCCGet all MCC categoriesgetRetrieve a MCC category infogetRetrieve a MCC category namegetTokenizationList tokensgetActivate a token of a cardpostStop a token of a cardpostUnstop a token of a cardpostDelete a token of a cardpostIssuing - Tokenization Events (Client Side)/tokenizationEventTokenization events receptionputIssuing - External Auth (client side)External AuthorizationRequest authorization to clientpostInform authorization updateputGiftcards APICardsGet Giftcard Info filtered listgetPost GiftcardpostGet Giftcard Info by IDgetPatch GiftcardpatchPut Giftcard for card activationputPut Giftcard for card deactivationputKYC (Know Your Customer)DocumentsUpload a documentpostDownload A DocumentgetFacesUpload a photo or video as a face proofpostDownload A face proof DocumentgetChecksCreate a CheckpostReportsRetrieve a Report ObjectgetList Reports related to a Check ObjectgetSUBSCRIPTIONS APISubscriptionsGet Subscription Info filtered listgetPost SubscriptionpostGet Subscription Info by IDgetPaymentGet payments by filtersgetGet payment datagetManually creates or modifies a paymentputPaymentAttemptGet all payment attemptsgetRetries a paymentpostRemittance APIRemittancesExecute a quote previewpostCreate a quotepostCreate a remittancepostGet remittancesgetGet a remittancegetCancels a remittancepostRefund a remittanceputCatalogsGet Payment AgentsgetGet Payment Agent RegionsgetGet Payment Agent BranchesgetGet list of available countriesgetGet payout methodsgetGet states for a specific countrygetRecipients APIRecipientsCreate a new remittance recipientpostGet all recipientsgetGet recipient by IDgetDelete recipient by IDdeletePartially update recipient informationpatchPayout MethodsAdd a payout method for a recipientpostGet all payout methods for a recipientgetGet a payout method by ID for a recipientgetGet a payout method by ID for a recipientdeletePartially update payout method information using JSON PatchpatchVIRTUAL-ACCOUNTS APIVirtualAccountsGet VirtualAccount Info filtered listgetPost VirtualAccountpostGet VirtualAccount Info by RequestReferencegetDelete VirtualAccountdeletePatch VirtualAccountpatchPowered by Get Payment Agent Regionsget https://gateway-am.apps.ins.inswhub.com/remittance-api/1.0/payment-agents/{paymentAgentId}/regionsGet Payment Agents regions