Hosted Checkout API is used to create instances of the white label Hosted Checkout web.
It is easier way to quickly integrate your Site, Marketplace or Ecommerce platform and offer a wide variety of Cards, Banks and Cash Payment Methods to your customers.
Hosted Checkout Benefits
Since the hosted checkout takes payments directly, the merchant does not manage sensitive information. This saves Security Certification costs and reduces the likelihood of stolen data.
Inswitch is PCI-DSS certified.
Multiple payment methods
Hosted checkout allows merchants offering multiple payment methods to customers through an already available global network. Merchants don’t have to do anything to set up alternative payment methods.
Simple Setup
Integration and Configuration of the white label Hosted Checkout is simpler than a direct API integration (required for developing an onsite checkout from scratch).
Hosted checkout offers customization options to make the checkout page feel like the merchant's website and offer customers a frictionless user experience.
Mobile First
Responsive design for mobile devices.
Support English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Start using Hosted Checkout
In order to setup, integrate and test the service you will need access to the Inswitch Business Portal to
- customize the Hosted Checkout Page (Branding, Payment Methods, and basic configurations)
- create the API keys for your developers
Use Cases
In the Guide Hosted Checkout you will find some reference Use Cases and API flows that will help you during the integration.